Wordpress Tips

HowTo – Accessing The Database Within WordPress For Functions & Plugins

There are times when you need to look something up or set a field in your database from within your Theme Files, functions.php file or your plugin. Although you can access the database directly with SQL commands you can sometimes run into problems. In addition to that if you use the WordPress API wpdb class […]

WordPress TinyMCE Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

TinyMCE is the Editor that ships with every copy of WordPress. Using the Editor can be cumbersome at times and flipping back and forth to HTML view is often your last result. Here is a listing of KeyBoard Shortcuts that you can use while in the Editor to make your writing that much faster. In […]

HowTo – Introduction To WordPress Themes

Everyone with a website want their own special look and to allow for this the WordPress templating system known as Themes is one of the most active areas in the support network. Themes provide the interface between your content and how your readers see it. If you browse the Theme directory on wordpress.org you will […]

WordPress API Hooks For Developers And Designers

When the developers of  WordPress add a core feature they allow developers access to the code by the way of API hooks. In this way a site owner or plugin developer can insert some of their own actions before or after an event happens and not have to drill through the source code and manually […]

What would you like to see in the Next Version of WordPress

WordPress developers are always working hard coming up with new ideas that can help us write our site content but there are always things that don’t make it that plugin developers try to patch. If we were putting together a short wish list for the next version it might include: Find a way to completely […]

WordPress 2.8.3 Security Update Is Available

You know how it goes x.x.0 versions are released and the first people that download are basically beta testers. You wait a few weeks and all the bugs start pouring in and you endup with a stable version you can actually use. This latest release is a security update from bugs found in 2.8.1 and […]

Will Strict GPL Licensing Enforcement Put CMS / WordPress Designers Out Of Business?

Everyone loves the idea of GPL and Public Domain when it comes to finding code but when products are developed under some licensing it opens up the flood gates to strip the main designer of any profits. MATT over at wordpress has decided that it is in his favor to promote Theme developers that fully […]

HowTo – WordPress Base CSS Classes That Need Formatting

When you are designing a WordPress Theme or trying to work with  a pre-made theme there are basic WordPress Classes that should be formatted in your CSS File. The following list is the basic minimum classes that WordPress Generates when it spits back your pages. Theme files will provide for much more fine grain CSS […]

HowTo – AHHHH My WordPress Site Is Screwed What Do I Do? Quick Answers.

Ok so the first thing you have to do is calm down AND STOP FREAKING OUT! Everyone has this happen at least once, maybe once a week… something happens and you can’t understand what you did to make it all go so wrong… If your site stops functioning while you are working on it then […]

HowTo – WordPress – Moving Your Blog To Another Location

There are times when you need to move your site either within your current hosting or to a new website hosting company. When you do this there can be problems if you do not follow a few simple rules. First before you ever do anything like a move you want to backup your database. Backup […]