Wordpress Tips
When you are reviewing your own site sometimes you can catch an error or misspelling and you need to change it quickly. Instead of finding the page by going into your dashboard to Posts / edit and then looking for or searching for the post you can put a link on your pages that only […]
Excerpt Editor by Author Ozz provides a convenient place for creating and editing all WordPress excerpts. It can also add custom excerpts for pages (not possible without a plugin). Version 1.0 contains many new features: option to append excerpts from the most recent posts or from the sub-pages to all Posts and/or Pages, option to […]
WordPress has a number of ways to format your themes including all of the different template files you can use to limit what happens when your visitors view a Page, Post, Category Listing, Archive Listing, or your Home page. In addition to the Theme Template files you can also use Conditional Tags to instruct WordPress […]
When you add posts to your WordPress Blog by default if you haven’t made changes to your theme they are assigned a Post ID number that identifies that specific post. If you do nothing else they will be displayed in order of the newest to oldest in one single group. Because it is unfair or […]
Well with a handful of WordPress sites to manage it can often take a night to upgrade them all when a new version comes out. Considering we like most users who might find this something more annoying then useful when most of the updates are simply fixes that are not contributing negatively to the function […]
Recently while helping someone setup a site I had a chance to work with the Last.Fm Plugin written by Jeroen Smeets. The idea of the plugin is to allow you to put a sidebar widget of your Loved and favorited songs that you listen to on Last.fm To enable the plugin you need an account […]
There are times when you need mail if you are writing or altering a plugin or maybe you have a special feature you are adding. Heck maybe you want to hook into the login and get an email everytime someone logs in… Hey thats not a bad idea .. Well instead of writing your own […]
Have you tried to spell check your posts in WordPress lately? Yea if you are like me and everyone else trying to deal with inserting images, making selections or even just spell checking got a lot harder after someone cranked up the autosave interval so high that it seems you can’t type more then a […]
Anyone that has upgraded their wordpress install past 2.6 has found their database grow to extreme size due to the autosave and revisions that are generated and practically undeletable. Shouldn’t there be an option so the admin for the site can dump these posts? Well it seems that the core developers believe everyone wants to […]
As content developers we are always trying to find ways to attract visitors to our pages. One of the nice ways we can do this is by giving our visitors the ability to quickly post backlinks and announcements on social and directory networks when they like what they have read. This is where the Sociable […]