Industry News

Apple’s iCloud Isn’t It Really Just For The Clueless?

Apple Computer’s Steve Jobs introduced their next method of revenue the iCloud yesterday but does anyone really know what this means? I see a lot of so called “Tech Reporters” on the major networks like CNN that are just completely clueless when it comes to cloud computing. Now yes there are some slight differences but […]

FaceBook To Shutdown TeaParty Accounts Before Election

Earlier this year Facebook had announced a position for then exiting Robert Gibbs who is the spokes person for the President’s Administration at Press Conferences. Even if you don’t know the guys name you probably saw him over the past few years when he was answering questions at the podium in front of reporters almost […]

iBOOM – Third iPad Factory Worker Dies

Foxconn announced a third employee has died as a result of injuries sustained in that explosion on May 20 inside the factory that makes iPads. In a statement, Foxconn revealed that 15 others were injured in the accident, and six of the injured had been treated in a hospital and released.The explosion originated in “one […]

Oh Nooooos Sony Got Hacked AGAIN!

It seems that even after the problems with their playstation network hackers (cough Amiga Users) are continuing to hack the corporate giant. Keisuke Watabe, a spokesman at So-net Entertainment Corp., a Japanese ISP owned by Sony said that hackers accessed its customer rewards site earlier this week and stole customers’ redeemable gift points worth about […]

PlayStation Network To Be Restored By May 31, 2011

A new PS3 system software update that requires all PSN users to change their password once PlayStation Network is restored. The update v3.61 is mandatory and is available now.If using a PS3, your password can only be changed on your own PS3 or a PS3 on which your PSN account was activated, as an added […]

HowTo – Removing AVG Free 2011 Browser Toolbar

If you are like most people you don’t like companies that snoop on your internet use. Some companies like your ISP whether it be dialup or cable modem use proxy services that cache all of the sites and files you download. Other companies install add-ons when you signup for their site or software. I like […]

HowTo – Using Google’s CDN API For jQuery And Other JavaScript Libraries

Google and a number of other large providers including Microsoft and Media Temple allow developers to access a variety of JavaScript Libraries which can aid in website deployment and availability. Using Google’s CDN has both benefits and drawbacks and before you make use of this offering you should understand that there is a possibility your […]

The 9th Court Finds In Favor Of Facebook Over Winklevoss Creators Lawsuit

The 9th circuit court appeals ruled that the Winklevoss brothers that provided the original code for Facebook back when they were attending Harvard University with now owner Mark Zuckerberg can not have a do-over. The original lawsuit allowed the brothers to get 10 million dollars each and part ownership of Facebook but the deal that […]

75 Year Old Georgian Woman Takes Country Offline With Shovel

75 year old Aishtan Shakarian, who lives in a small village near Georgian capital Tbilisi, was scavenging for scrap metal on March 28 when she damaged an international fiber-optic backbone cable that connects much of the southern Caucasus to Europe, a police spokesman said. With her shovel she took out all of Armenia and parts […]

No More New Phone Every Year As Verizon Ends One Year Contracts

Verizon announced today that they are doing away with their middle range 1 year contract and will only be providing a month to month and 2 year plan from now on. If you are one of those people that likes to have the newest and the best you will find yourself waiting another year to […]