It seems that the Denial of Services Attack launched against Twitter that took it out for a few hours on Thursday may be linked to a group of Former Soviet KGB Agents wanting to stop a Georgian Bloger from getting the word out about problems in his country.
The blogger named Cyxymu is from the Eastern European country of Georgia and is an outspoken supporter of his country. Facebook’s chief security officer, Max Kelly said the attack was coordinated to “keep his [Cyxymu’s] voice from being heard,”.
As of now there is no exacting proof that the crimes were perpatrated by the KGB but CNET, PCWorld and a number of security experts agree the probability is rather high.
Attacks have been launched against a number of social networking sites including Facebook and LiveJournal.
Whatever the intentions the idea of pissing off a hundred million people is likely to bring more attention to Cyxymu and his postings so it seems their ideas may have backfired.
Since the Iran Election Twitter has been a source for political information where individuals can share moment by moment accounts of happenings with people around the world.
Unfortunately Cyxymu’s postings are not in English but you can see his account here