
Overstock.Com Gets Busted Hyjacking Google Results

The second retailer in as many weeks has been exposed for using unscrupulous methods to force their site to the top of Google Search Results. was found to have generated external links many hosted on .edu educational websites to promote common items for sale on their site. While they were successful at modifying their […]

WordPress 3.1 Update Available – Look At New Features

Although at first look your update or new install of WordPress will feel pretty much the same as it has for the past year or so there are a number of updates that will make your life easier and allow WordPress to function better. The first thing that you are likely to notice when you […]

Are Website Optimization Testing Services Worth The Time?

Lately a number of people have been complaining to me about how their websites are not passing tests that are performed by testing sites.  These test sites load your page and go through a number of so called tests to see if your site has been optimized for fast loads, SEO and proper use of […]

HowTo – Building Content Should You Write Every Day?

Many people say that the key to developing your blog or website is to write something every day.   Unfortunately for most of us that never turns out to be a realistic situation. Sure you can force a page of nothing out or maybe copy someone else’s work but in the end what you are doing […]

JCPenney Uses BlackHat Link Techniques To Hijack Google Results

It seems that the New York Times and some investigators have discovered major retailer JCPenney has been using linking techniques to get top placement in Google’s results. The methods are being described as BlackHat which has a negative connotation however the actual technique is not what you would consider hacking. The way it works is […]

HowTo – Using Widget Logic Plugin For Conditional Control Of WordPress Widgets

As you will find there are many ways to control which content is displayed on your pages depending on a variety of conditions. By writing php in your theme files you can make use of a number of WordPress’s Conditional Statements to restrict display of menus to your front page by using a call like  […]

Godaddy Coupons Feb 2011

Hey I took a day looking for Godaddy coupons to renew one of my sites and I was disappointed after trying about 12 of them that did not work. I finally found a list of coupons and I know the .com renewal one works from this list. Its $7.99 not as good as a new […]

HowTo – Modifying The WordPress Read More Link

When your posts are listed on a index or category page the default setting is to use an excerpt however you can also use the full text of the post which is called the_content.  In either instance more then likely you won’t want to display your entire post if it is over a couple hundred […]

Microsoft’s Bing Busted Stealing Google Search Results

Wow this is pretty amazing news and it could definitely have some repercussions for Bing which has already had some earning problems last summer that forced them to cancel the Bing Discounts. Although at first read of this news it may seem like another situation where the top competitors are suing each other over nothing […]

HowTo – Using The WordPress Addon Press This To Grab Content

How many times have you been on a website and you wanted to comment on something they are talking about in a WordPress Post? Well if you are like me it is probably a lot and often you want to use an excerpt from the original content on your page to provide context. Well shipped […]