If you run a website that relies on advertising to make an income you probably heard about the Nexus Tax Laws that have recently been enacted in a number of states. California was one of the biggest offenders of double taxation on income earned through affiliate programs. The way these programs are set up is […]
Every now and then you end up with a domain that you have no use for. Unfortunately the only ways to get rid of it is to sell it through an auction which usually never takes or place advertising on it and hope you generate a little income. Google Adsense can provide the ad services […]
Todays versions of WordPress are getting increasingly complex as people move from simple blogs to full content management for their websites. Because of this it is important to define your backup policies. When and what you should backup and then decide on the easiest way to accomplish this. If your methods for backup and restore […]
Amazon will be forced to close the affiliate accounts of over 10,000 partners in order to comply with a new California tax. As California hunts down ways to bring in money to cover its overspending and waste it has pointed its finger at online retailers. The new law says that if Amazon cuts checks to […]
A new version of WordPress came out this weekend. This is primarily a Security Update so it is suggested for all users. As normal some users are saying they are having problems updating. For this reason you definitely want to do a full backup of all your files and database. I strongly suggest that you […]
Recently I started a project that I knew would be a rather large one but about half way through it I found that the site would be unmanageable because of the resources that it placed on my server. The Site was a Church Directory that included over 200,000 churches located throughout the USA. It was […]
You know I wish someone would reveal this answer to me because it is allusive. In addition there are so many people out there trying to get you to use their system that it seems right to take a look at some of the ways that a web developer or site manager can use to […]
If you are like most people you don’t like companies that snoop on your internet use. Some companies like your ISP whether it be dialup or cable modem use proxy services that cache all of the sites and files you download. Other companies install add-ons when you signup for their site or software. I like […]
If you haven’t upgraded your version of WordPress you may want to take a few minutes and perform an auto update especially if you have users on your website. This new version is a Security Update that improves security for the contributor User Level. This level of access is usually provided to allow members to […]
I had a project that I was working on recently and after completed I needed to erase the files from a 32mb thumb drive I was using. Unfortunately the software that I normally use for wiping hard drives and external drives wouldn’t see my thumb drive so I searched for something that could do the […]