Excerpt Editor by Author Ozz provides a convenient place for creating and editing all WordPress excerpts. It can also add custom excerpts for pages (not possible without a plugin). Version 1.0 contains many new features: option to append excerpts from the most recent posts or from the sub-pages to all Posts and/or Pages, option to […]
WordPress has a number of ways to format your themes including all of the different template files you can use to limit what happens when your visitors view a Page, Post, Category Listing, Archive Listing, or your Home page. In addition to the Theme Template files you can also use Conditional Tags to instruct WordPress […]
There are a number of tools that you should add to FireFox to make your life a little easier. Probably the most important and mandatory is FireBug, This tool allows you to view the page source and examine the content of any page in a split screen or a popout window. Syntax Highlighting is one […]
In the past few months we have seen a number of Newspapers go the way of the recycling bin and a new group of paper based publications is expected to file for bankruptcy in 2009 but what is the cause and will electronic news sources replace conventional daily publications…? The fact is that once a […]
Ok does this make any sence to you? Tim Ferriss is paying people to follow him on Twitter. Well its not really a direct payment but he will donate $3 to charity for every person that he can get to follow him. Does this make sence? Maybe because if he can get enough people to […]
ColorBlender is a free service that provides help for the color matching impaired. How often have you got stuck trying to find a complementary color to use in your layouts. Well no more if you use ColorBlender. The service is simple to use just slide the color adjusters to find the right primary color then […]
When reading your WebServer logs you can sometimes come across some Errors that are not usual. For the most part you will see 500’s for script execution problems, 404’s For files not found or 301’s for permanently moved files but every once in a while you come across a strange one. Most servers follow the […]
PHP Thumbnailer Class v2.0 A PHP image manipulation class, aimed at generating thumbnails. It features the ability to resize by width, height, and percentage, create custom crops, or square crops from the center, rotate the image, and create AppleTM-style reflections. It also features the ability to perform multiple manipulations per instance (also known as chaining), […]
This is a really useful tool to provide dimensional control over your google sketchup projects. Driving Dimensions is a plugin for Google SketchUp 6 and 7 (a free, easy-to-learn 3D-modeling program) running on Windows 2000/XP/Vista that allows the addition of driving dimensions to SketchUp models. Using the tool you can modify the dimensions of an object to fit the measurements […]
When laying out your site you can sometimes get lost when it comes to choosing colors that match. ColorMixers provides an easy way to generate a relative pallet of colors based on a single base color. The process is pretty simple either enter the RGB values or use the slider to set the base color […]