Many sites have different levels of users to allow contributions by visitors. If you like having your visitors signup for your blog or site but don’t like forcing them to the standard Login Page there is a plugin you can use. The Sidebar Login Plugin by Mike Jolley provides both a sidebar widget and a […]
Not every site owner wants to restrict access to the images on their site but sometimes you have a reason to do so. You may have a site that has a number of copyright images such as a news or gossip site but for whatever reason you choose you can at least reduce the reuse […]
When designing your website with WordPress there will be times when you need to alter the standard layout to display custom information or provide a specialized look and feel for your site. In Static Website design every page has its own file. You design a single template based on the look that you want to […]
Depending on the type of blog or website that you run with wordpress you may want to include a small picture of the writer within their posts or maybe on an about page. In wordpress to do this the developers at have setup a Avatar Hosting site to allow Authors that post to many […]
PayPal Credit Card Transaction Services provides a variety of different methods for you to get paid by credit card. In addition to setup procedures for payment transactions there are 2 basic ways to get funds sent to you. You should understand this before you pick a method of transaction. For a small number of transactions […]
Recently we were putting together a demo News site theme so we wanted to populate the site with sample live data from a few news sources. Instead of going through all the hassles we just hit Google News and setup Categories for each of the main News Indexes they sort their news into. We then […]
There are as many reasons as you can think of to add a custom field to your posts. You may want to Display an image for the post on your home or category pages. Add a link on a product page to buy the item with paypal. Add a special coupon ID number for a […]
If you are trying to learn a 3d package like blender it is important to read all the information you can but seeing someone actually manipulate a wireframe real time is where you will get the understanding of how tools are suppose to be applied to do different tasks. Blenducation brings together a variety of […]
When you are reviewing your own site sometimes you can catch an error or misspelling and you need to change it quickly. Instead of finding the page by going into your dashboard to Posts / edit and then looking for or searching for the post you can put a link on your pages that only […]
Having to generate technical drawings from time to time it has been nice to have access to products that can get the job done right and do it without costing a lot. Well Imsi just released DoubleCad a 2D drafting product that is suppose to exceed the features found in AutoCad LT. There are 2 […]