There are a variety of reasons that you may want to use Transparency in your designs and often you will find a png file set to transparent will meet your needs but you can also set transparency of your containers. Unfortunately the CSS attribute of transparency is not cross browser compliant so you will need […]
Many designers want to build clients and because the economy is turning down some turn to Spec Work. If you don’t know this is when the designer completes a design for a potential client…. with emphasis on Potential. Sometimes this approach can work out but often you will have clients that either turn your work […]
When you are trying to get into Google’s Page Ranking System there are tons of great ideas that you can apply to your own website but don’t forget about using Googles other offerings to help publicize your main content. Google has a number of Niche offerings and depending on the type of site you have […]
Tables The use of tables after divs were introduced to html will either be accepted or not. The fact is tables have their place and that place should not be restricted to display of spreadsheet information or XML dumps. On the other hand because many browsers display tables and their formatting differently you should check […]
Lists CSS Selectors can provide the Author extended control over how their Lists are formatted. Properties can be applied to the markers that appear before the list items to provide order to the information. In addition to the regular list styles that are available in HTML the author can also define their own marker item […]
We ran across this site Its one of those things where you have no idea how you got there but once you do its kinda interesting. The site uses a number of scripts that grab data from search engines and site rank sites and gives you a Price that your website should sell for. […]
Text Formatting Where Font attributes apply to the character level Text Formatting applies to how the characters are manipulated to makeup words and how words are used to make sentences. Indenting The text-indent property will allow you to indent the first line of a block of text. Values include: length, percentage P { text-indent: 3em […]
Font Specifications Font family A font family is a group of fonts that resemble each other. When you are defining your selector to set the font family your text will be rendered in you can use Exact Names that refer to fonts that are installed on the enduser’s system (Ariel, Verdana) or you can define […]
More and more people are looking to Blogs to get their ideas online but what are the differences between a Niche website and a Blog if you want to gather a following and be successful? In truth there really are not that many differences between the two and many of the same hurdles must be […]
There are times when you are managing data that you will need to rename a large number of files. There are a few ways to do this without losing your mind. A few applications of this process may be when you are moving hosts or when you are given a number of files from a […]