When you visit many websites you will see a special logo icon in the URL Navigation bar and if you make a bookmark shortcut to the website you will see that same icon used next to the description in the menu. If you drag the url bar to your desktop a larger icon will represent […]
One of the most annoying default features of WordPress is the Auto Save. I don’t think I have ever had to rely on it once since it was introduced and the worst part is if you are in the middle of spell checking your page when an auto save fires off it will turn off […]
When you are designing sites that you know will be viewed by persons who have different language settings it is important to decide whether you will force a language or design different versions of your site to provide optimal viewing. To set the language options you may place the following HTML in your Header Element. […]
There are times when you need to look something up or set a field in your database from within your Theme Files, functions.php file or your plugin. Although you can access the database directly with SQL commands you can sometimes run into problems. In addition to that if you use the WordPress API wpdb class […]
In this HowTo we will cover the very basics of getting your site included on major search engines. Although every search engine uses its own software and algorithms to process your pages there are standards that are common and should be followed if you want your sites pages to be included and placed well within […]
The FEEDJIT visitor monitoring system will allow you to track your visitors live and get statistics about where the are located, what page refered them to you and what they liked looking at while on your site. Although some log management systems provide tracking of users and even live monitoring the best feature of this […]
Are you sick of those fake accounts that follow you or post garbage on twitter about whitening your teeth or the best place to download porn? Real commercial information on Twitter can be useful. On my personal account I follow twitter users that have websites about Deals and Coupons and individual websites that I buy […]
Vibrant Media uses technology to analyze your page content and feed inline links to your visitors. Reading each page specific keywords that Vibrant finds useful are highlighted and script turns those words into links. When your visitors roll over or click on the links they are provided with an ad from one of the advitisers […]
New Federal FTC rules may have you and your advertisers in the hot seat. Do you run advertisements on your personal or business website? Do you write about products or services that may be connected to your affiliate programs? If you are a Google Adsense Affiliate you may be doing it and not even know. […]
Ok this is just strange and probably illegal to do but a British High Court has decided to serve Cease and Desist injunctions against a couple twitter users that are pretending to be someone they aren’t. And get this they are serving the order through Twitter… How do you do that in 140 characters HAHAHAHAH…..this […]